LPA Audio Visual Results 2020

By | February 25, 2020

Result of the Audio Visual Competition  23rd February 2020

Howard Bagshaw with the Narrative and Photo Harmony Winners

Judge: Howard Bagshaw  MPAGB ARPS

A= Audience Vote Winner. 

HC = Highly Commended. C = Commended

Narrative Section

In Their Memory Samantha FordRBCC1st (A)
A Utopian Dream Come TrueDave EneferCleethorpes2nd
TreasureDave ThompsonCleethorpes3rd
The WorkhouseBrian GromettCleethorpesHC
Leeds CastleRon AbbottPinchbeckHC
SalamancaRon AbbottPinchbeckC
SnowdropRobert BrownCleethorpesC
Samantha Ford of RB Camera Club Receiving her Narrative Trophy

Photo Harmony Section

Natural BeautyBrian GromettCleethorpes1st (A)
A Stroll Around SouthwoldDave EneferCleethorpes2nd
This is our TownRoy MoranCleethorpes3rd
VincentSamantha FordRBCCHC
Heroes and VillainsBryan HurtLincolnHC
Holker Hall GardensRoy MoranCleethorpesC
Curious WorldBryan HurtLincolnC
The Sage GatesheadDennis FarrowCleethorpesC
Brian Gromett (LPA President) of Cleethorpes Camera Club receiving his Photo Harmony Trophy